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Expert Graduate School Test Tutors

Grad School Test Prep is Essential for Your Success

Effective preparation for graduate school tests is important whether you’re currently finishing up college or thinking about returning to school after some time working. Either way, you’ve likely not taken a standardized test in quite some time, especially one like the GRE, GMAT or LSAT that is computer adaptive and emphasizes basic skills rather than specialized knowledge. Our expert tutors can help you not only to identify those academic skills that need work – be they math or reasoning or close reading – but also to craft an efficient plan to strengthen them that works with your schedule.

GRE Tutoring

We have years of experience helping a wide range of GRE students, from those simply exploring their options to those more focused on particular programs with specific requirements. We pride ourselves on our ability to understand each student’s particular needs, abilities and challenges so that we can provide the most effective help possible. Our professional GRE tutors are all conversant with the latest changes to the GRE in 2023 and understand how to help you reach your potential on each section of the test:

GRE Tutoring

All students have access to our proprietary GRE Preparation Workbook that distills our years of experience into 150 pages of strategies, examples and problem sets designed to help them understand how the test works and how best to attack each problem type.

We prefer our students to work from official materials when possible and help them make best use of the GRE PowerPrep platform in their review. Tutors will also work with students on an individual basis to help them source appropriate additional materials when necessary.

GMAT Tutoring

We understand the GMAT, and we understand its importance to admissions at the most competitive MBA programs. Our GMAT tutors have experience helping students achieve the elite scores they’ll need to ensure their applications aren’t limited at the most selective schools.

Our highly-trained tutors are ready to prepare students for each of the three sections of the recently revised GMAT Focus exam.

GMAT Tutoring

All students have access to our proprietary GMAT Preparation Workbook that distills our years of experience into 200+ pages of strategies, examples and problem sets designed to help them understand how the test works and how best to attack each problem type.

We prefer our students to work from official materials when possible and help them make best use of the suite of practice material GMAT makes available in their review. Tutors will also work with students on an individual basis to help them source appropriate additional materials when necessary.

LSAT Tutoring

Generally speaking, the LSAT is more important to LSAT admissions than is the GRE or GMAT to graduate school admissions. While the GRE can be submitted to law schools, many still view a strong LSAT score more favorably than a strong GRE score. We pride ourselves on having helped a diverse group of students find success the LSAT, and we’ve done so by equipping students with the most efficient strategies and tactics to supplement their test-taking skills. Our professional LSAT tutors are all knowledgeable about the latest changes to the LSAT in 2024 and can help you navigate both of the changed sections:

LSAT Tutoring

All students have access to our proprietary LSAT Preparation Workbook that distills our years of experience into over 200 pages of strategies, examples and problem sets designed to help them understand how the test works and how best to attack each problem type.

We prefer our students to work from official materials when possible. Our workbook includes hundreds of real LSAT questions licensed directly from the testmaker, and we help students make best use of LawHub for practice tests and additional review.

Build Confidence & Succeed with our Comprehensive Test Prep Services for the LSAT, GRE and GMAT

Personalized Tutoring

We’ve helped thousands of students prepare for and take graduate tests. Our students can expect an expert tutor to guide them through a comprehensive and effective tutoring process:

1. Learning Phase: Students learn the essential test-taking strategies, practicing with our comprehensive workbook while the tutor observes, noting strengths and opportunities for improvement.

2. Practice Phase: Students begin to do more focused test sections to both identify further areas for content review and also sharpen the pacing and decision-making skills they’ll need to be successful.

3. Testing Phase: Regular, full-length practice testing make up a bulk of most students’ work in advance of the test. Importantly, students are encouraged to establish a reflective process of error logging or review to solidify the gains they’ve made and be fully prepared.

Online Tutoring

We’ve been tutoring online extensively since 2020. Our tutors work with students to choose a meeting platform that leverages the technology they have, be that a laptop, an iPad or a document camera (which we’re happy to provide!) Many students prefer the flexibility online tutoring provides, so they can take advantage of the fact that we have tutors working at most hours of the day, seven days a week.

how our program works

Why Choose Our Graduate Test Prep Services?

Experienced Tutors

Our expert GRE, GMAT, and LSAT tutors are drawn from the most experienced tutors on our staff, many of whom possess over a decade of experience to draw upon in order to help their students ace the test. They understand how working with adults is different from working with high-school students and can bring out the best in the students with whom they work:

Proven Results

While we cannot guarantee a score, we can guarantee we’ll be with you every step of the way. Our tutors are experienced not only in math and reading but also in advising students on their test prep plans and even exam dates to work towards. We provide notes after each session to keep the lines of communication open, our students motivated, and everyone focused on the big picture. We’ll also be there as exam day approaches, providing you both test-week and test-day tips and, more importantly, the grounding and perspective you need to do your best.

Flexible Scheduling

Our tutors understand the need to balance graduate test preparation with work or school. We’ll work with you to craft a meeting schedule – during the day, during the evening, or on weekends – that works with your lifestyle. We will be as flexible as possible but also well know the value of commitment and steady work, so will structure our sessions accordingly to provide the right balance of accountability, encouragement, and challenge for each student.

Frequently Asked Questions

Many students make a “summer project” of their graduate test prep and complete the process in 2-3 months. Individual situations vary greatly, however, depending upon student’s starting points and goals, so feel free to contact us.

We like to let our students make those decisions, which is why we don’t offer prepackaged deals and instead work hourly. If your time with us stops being “worth it”, you probably shouldn’t make more appointments!

Scheduling is handled between tutors and students, with many choosing some hybrid of in-person and online tutoring that best fits everyone’s schedules.

We don’t have formal proctored graduate tests in our offices like we do for college admissions tests like the SAT and ACT.Most students take their practice tests on their laptops at a quiet place at home or work, but we can work with students who need a quiet place to test on an as needed basis.

Get Started with Your Graduate Test Prep Today!

Ready to achieve your best test scores? Contact us today to schedule a free initial consultation and discover how our expert graduate test prep tutors can help you reach your goals. Whether you prefer your personalized one-on-one sessions in-person or choose the convenience of online tutoring, we have the perfect solution to fit your needs. Take the first step towards your future success by getting in touch with us now.


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