Math Tutoring Services

Math Tutoring Services

Students best learn math by doing math.

We take a collaborative approach to problem solving in our tutoring sessions, never simply giving students answers but always providing the right amount of guidance for them to solve the problem themselves, boosting their skills and their confidence.

Math Tutoring Subjects

Our tutors take pride in their ability to meet students where they are on their mathematical journey, no matter what the level. Different math classes, however, often present different challenges to students. We can help.

algebra tutoring

Algebra Tutoring

Algebra is the cornerstone for all subsequent high school math. We’ve worked with thousands of high school students on math for their classes and for the SAT and ACT, and almost all of them who struggle point to their algebra class as the point at which they decided they were “bad at math”. We work with each algebra student to build a strong math self-concept based on curiosity and flexibility. Our students learn not only algebra but also to enjoy piecing together the puzzle that is an algebra equation, growing more confident with every solution. Our students finish algebra with both the skills and the mindset required to be successful in high school math classes.

Geometry Tutoring

Geometry is often taken in freshman year and serves as an introduction to high school mathematics. While some see Geometry as peripheral to the Algebra-Algebra 2-Precalculus sequence, we understand how crucial geometry is to students developing their higher level math abilities. Extracting the relevant information from a figure to build and solve the correct equation challenges students whose only experience in algebra is solving equations they’ve been given. Writing formal proofs teaches students to reason more abstractly and analytically, which helps them become better thinkers and better learners. We help them take those crucial first steps with confidence in order to set them up for success in math over the next few years.

algebra 2 tutoring

Algebra 2 Tutoring

The primary goal of Algebra 2 tutoring is to familiarize students with both the strategies and tactics necessary to handle more complex algebraic expressions. There’s no substitute for hard work – and repetition – for students to internalize the specific tactics required for each type of question. We coach students on the proper form for their solutions and keep them motivated throughout the process. Building good habits is essential, from the way in which students think about the problems to the way in which they write their work on the page. At the same time, we emphasize the broad problem solving strategies they need to employ across all problem types as they continue to develop as confident math students who are able to contextualize increasingly abstract concepts into a more mature and robust algebraic framework.

Precalculus Tutoring

High school students transitioning to precalculus are akin to elementary students making the transition from learning to read to reading to learn. The precalculus curriculum assumes and demands an automaticity with algebra: Problem solutions grow longer and concepts more sophisticated. We ensure students have the grounding they need so that they may direct their full attention to learning more about concepts such as rational function analysis, logarithms, and analytic trigonometry. We help our students to understand the fundamentals by focusing on problem solving and making connections between units. These relationships deepen understanding and lead to longer term retention, so that students are fully prepared to tackle calculus.

calculus tutor

Calculus Tutoring

We believe all students should get the opportunity to immerse themselves in the big and beautiful ideas that are the underpinnings of calculus. For some, calculus serves as the capstone of their math education while for others it is a door to a future in a STEM field. In either case, we help students acquire an understanding of the profound paradigm shift that calculus represents as well as a new appreciation for the concepts of zero and infinity. We emphasize the vast number of new problems students can solve with these tools and how those problems are among the most practical they have ever seen. How long does that coffee stay hot? Calculus. How much water is needed to fill that funny shaped swimming pool? Calculus. How much interest will that investment earn? Calculus.

Statistics Tutoring

Many students take statistics not so much because they’re dying to know more about statistics, but because they’ve had enough of the standard math track and aren’t interested in taking calculus. Few students, however, realize just how new and different a statistics course can be compared to their previous high school math classes. Unlike the highly incremental and cumulative math curriculum they are used to, statistics classes start from the ground up with a different set of concepts and methods. We’ve seen students try to coast through stats classes and know what happens when they do. That’s why we work to show our students how incredibly relevant statistics is to their daily lives, no matter what their futures hold, so they can get a fast start in the fall. Additionally, statistics – especially at the AP level – requires much more reading and writing than any other math class. Our students know how to read a problem to identify the key details that inform the proper choice of method. They state their assumptions clearly, work the problem correctly, and place their work in the proper context with complete sentences describing the results of their calculations.

statistics tutoring
how our program works

How Our Math Tutoring Program Works

Step 1: Initial Consultation & Assessment

Set up a call so we can learn more about how we can help you and your student. You’ll get the answers to your initial questions and we’ll get the information we need to make the best match.

Step 2: Match With A Tutor

Our placements team will work to find a tutor that’s the best fit based on content, availability and personality.

Step 3: Jointly Craft a Tutoring Plan

Parents are welcome to join at the start of the first meeting as the tutor works with the family to craft an initial plan the supports the student and keeps everyone working together.

Step 4: Ongoing Support and Progress Tracking

Academic tutors, as do all PrepMatters tutors, send follow-up session notes every week to keep students on track and parents on the same page.

Math Tutoring Benefits

Math isn’t always easy, and neither are our tutoring sessions, but the value is in the struggle. Students who work with us know not only how to solve the problems on the homework set, but also how to approach the new problems they’ll see on their math tests. They know what it feels like to work through the problems themselves, asking good questions and taking it one step at a time. Just like a mathematician.

math tutoring benefits

Math Improved Understanding of Fundamental Concepts:

Our math tutoring helps students build a strong foundation in key mathematical areas such as arithmetic, algebra, geometry & more. By reinforcing core principles and filling knowledge gaps, we make complex topics easier to understand, which is crucial for advanced courses and everyday applications.

Increased Confidence and Motivation:

We boost students’ confidence through personalized attention and positive reinforcement. As they master mathematical concepts, their self-esteem improves, motivating them to engage more actively in class and tackle challenging problems with a positive outlook.

Development of Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills:

Our tutoring sessions emphasize critical thinking and problem-solving, encouraging students to think logically and creatively. These skills are essential for academic success and practical decision-making in real-world situations.

Preparation for Exams and Standardized Tests:

We provide comprehensive preparation for AP and IB exams. Our targeted instruction and practice sessions cover test-taking strategies, key concepts, and practice questions, ensuring students are confident and well-prepared to achieve their best possible scores.

Frequently Asked Questions

Most families choose PrepMatters for two reasons: our expertise and our professionalism. Both are rooted in the fact that our tutors simply tutor more than many others do. Some of our tutors are successful professionals with active day jobs, but almost half tutor as their sole profession. And none are college kids looking for a quick part-time job. Our SAT and ACT tutors tutor a minimum of 10 hours per week and some routinely see 30 or more per week. And as we like to preach around here, there’s almost nothing that doesn’t improve with practice. And our founder, Ned Johnson, has had lots of practice with over 40,000 hours of 1-on-1 tutoring logged over his career! And in that 20 years, we’ve also built the infrastructure that contributes to our student’s success. From our annually updated workbooks and materials, to weekly proctored practice tests, to regular calls from our Quality Assurance Director, there’s a complete team in place to help your child succeed.

We cover a wide range of subjects including Algebra, Algebra 2, Pre-Calculus, Geometry, Calculus, Statistics, and more.

Tutors typically have three goals during a first session: to learn about the student, to debunk myths about these ridiculous tests, and to deliver some pedagogical content.

Establishing rapport is the first goal. Tutors will likely ask your student some of the same questions you answered in your placement call, not because they didn’t read your answers but because hearing how teenagers frame their answers and think about themselves as students and testers is invaluable in knowing what approach to take. That initial conversation may take 2 minutes or it may take 20. Tutors will of course take into account impending test dates: a student testing in 3 weeks needs strategies sooner than one testing in 12 weeks. The longer the planned engagement, the more important – and ultimately more efficient – is the use of the initial chat in the first session.

Students often come with many preconceived notions about these tests: what they measure, what they mean and how they feel about them. It’s important to understand the context any student brings and make sure they know these aren’t intelligence tests and are simply tests of acquired skills – skills that can be acquired, like any others, through practice.

Costs vary based on the tutor’s qualifications and session frequency. Contact us for specific pricing details.

Besides the pace of the tests, the second historical difference between the tests has always been trickiness or lack thereof. The SAT styled itself a reasoning test, the ACT an assessment test. Although those labels are no longer formally used, they remain quite useful in understanding the differences between the tests – especially the math sections. Now that the SAT encompasses more than Algebra 1 and Geometry, it can feature questions that are difficult because of their advanced content rather than simply because they’re tricky. That being said, old habits die hard. Test writers still delight in presenting students with questions that are worded differently from what they’ve seen in school or those that have a long way and a short way to answer them.

The SAT still favors students who are looking for the angle and want to work smarter and not harder. The math section on the ACT, however, rarely rewards students for seeing a shortcut method, instead rewarding them for having spent the last several years paying attention in math class and knowing how to answer the most commonly asked questions.

The questions students face on the ACT math section look more like those seen in school, and students who do well in their math classes typically find themselves well prepared for this section. The ACT features lots of geometry, plenty of algebra 1 and 2 and some harder precalculus level questions at the end of the section. While the redesigned SAT now does include questions on more advanced topics, those are few in comparison to its primary focus: linear equations, systems & inequalities and data analysis & modeling. The ACT math section is thus a more complete assessment of most students’ high school math curricula.

You can schedule a session by visiting our website and filling out the contact form or calling our office directly.

Yes, you can request a different tutor at any time if needed.

We Have Tutors Ready to Help!

Our team specializes in helping teenagers develop the skills, motivation, and successful habits to achieve their academic and collegiate goals. Schedule a consultation to start your teen on the path to success.


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